A131 - Introduction to Dreamweaver
Site management, visual design, tools for creating tables and forms, implementing style sheets, and adding javascript or behaviors.
A222 - Advanced Macromedia Flash
A course on action scripting, from A to Z. Learn the most hidden secrets of Flash.
A231 - Web Animation with Flash (Introductory)
Introductory Flash Course: how to do everything in Flash the right way. Covers every notion and the basics of actionscripting.
A232 - Macromedia Fireworks
Learn the software people call Photoshop on internet steroids!
A233 - Intermediate Flash
The intermediate class takes off where the introduction stopped and gets much deeper into flash.
B111 - Contracting Your Services
Types of Contracts (fixed price vs. hourly) , Contract Development, Creating Your Template, Estimating Costs, Managing the Client and the Work.
B113 - Selling Your Services
Topics include identifying leads, generating interest in your services, closing the deal, getting follow on work.
B121 - Web Content Writing and Editing
Utilizes examples, discussions, and exercises designed to demystify the art and science of effective writing and editing for the e-audience.
B131 - Project Management
Learn how to manage projects.
B141 - Legal Issues for Web Designers and Content Managers
Learn about information security, copyright and trademark laws.
B320 - Search Engine Optimization
Search engines are the #1 way people find new sites on the Web. Learn techniques to increase traffic to your site and get you a top search engine ranking.
B321 - Web Site Promotion
This course shows how small businesses are successfully taking advantage of the Internet for promotional and marketing opportunities.
D210 - Introduction to Designing Accessible Websites
Explore the area of web accessibility using a hand-on and project-based approach.
D300 - Design Concepts
Intimidated by design or creativity? Want to learn how to create more effective site and graphic designs? Then this is the course for you!
D313 - Introduction to Web Design
Designing and developing a web site
G301 - Photoshop Level 1
Intimidated by Photoshop? NOT after this course! Learn the basics, expand your skills and learn professional techniques from the start!
G303 - Photoshop for the Web
This well-rounded course includes in-depth coverage of must-have skills.
G401 - Adobe Illustrator
This class introduces students to the tools available in Illustrator, how to use them, how to work with objects, clip art, bitmaps (web-graphics), text, color and much, much more.
H101 - Introduction to HTML
Learn HTML 4.0 by hand! Get rid of the WYSIWYG and get down to the nuts and bolts of HTML. Great for beginners!
H102 - HTML Level 2
Covers the Strict DTD, more complex tables and briefly covers form layout, image maps, Universal Accessibility, and JavaScrip.
H111 - HTML Forms
Forms, form objects, form validation and working with user input.
H151 - Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Learn the basics of separating style from structure within an HTML document.
H152 - Intermediate CSS Workshop
Intermediate-level workshop focuses on real-world CSS issues and applications - including a brief review of basic CSS concepts and 5 hands-on projects
H153 - CSS 2.1 in Depth
Selectors, Inline Layout, Floating and Positioning
H401 - Introduction to XHTML
Study the structure and syntax of XHTML, the bridge language between HTML and XML.
MS300 - Introduction to Database Design
This course will give you the steps to design a database.
MS303 - Introduction to SQL (Using Access)
Hands-on class in learning SQL queries - Great for beginners
MS304 - Introduction to SQL (Using MySQL)
Hands-on class in learning SQL queries for MySQL users.
MS311 - MySQL
Learn to install, run, tune, create and use MySQL databases.
MS321 - SQL Server Design and Implementation
Hands on class in developing with SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
MS331 - Introduction to SQL Server
Create and manipulate database objects such as tables, indexes, views, and triggers.
P010 - Introduction to Programming Concepts
Learn the basic building blocks of programming/scripting. Students will be exposed to the syntax and logic of programming - applicable to any language
P100 - Introduction to PHP
Variables, arrays, flow control, form interaction, sticky forms, functions and code libraries.
P104 - Shopping Cart Using PHP and MySQL
Build a shopping cart from scratch.
P112 - Introduction to JSP
Learn JSP
P121 - Introduction to ColdFusion Web Development
Learn to build database-driven web sites with powerful capabilities in no time at all without prior programming experience.
P122 - Intermediate ColdFusion
Complex datatypes, looping structures, in-depth debugging and troubleshooting, charting and graphing.
P131 - Introduction to JavaScript
Learn fundamentals of using and writing JavaScript and basic programming concepts, which apply to all web scripting languages.
P132 - Intermediate JavaScript
This course focuses on JavaScript's object-based features and creating practical JavaScript applications
P140 - Java for Non-Programmers
Explore the Java language fundamentals
P141 - Programming in Java - Introduction
Explore the Java language fundamentals, use Java for client-side applets
P142 - Intermediate Java Programming
Object Oriented Programming.
P153 - Introduction to Perl
Basic working knowledge of Perl
P176 - Introduction to C#
Learn C# and learn how to use Visual Studio IDE
P177 - .NET Development with C#
Develop ASP.NET applications for the web
P180 - .NET Development with Visual Basic
Develop ASP.NET applications for the web
P183 - Introduction to ASP
Fundamentals of using Active Server Pages (ASP)
P184 - Intermediate ASP
Using Active Server Pages (ASP) with Databases
S111 - Web Security
Learn the basics of secure coding, prevention of buffer overflow attacks, secure database integration and relevant legal/privacy issues.
X101 - Introduction to XML
Learn the basics to Extensible Markup Language. (XML) This class will emphasize hands on instruction and practical usage of XML.
X102 - Intermediate XML
Extend your basic understanding of XML. Learn DOM, XSLT, and more. Each week the student will be expected to complete a small project.
ZGC10 - Introduction to Game Production
Fundamental concepts for managing a game project.
ZGC11 - Introduction to Game Design
Introduction to Game Design
ZGP10 - Introduction to C++ Using Games
Learn C++
ZGP11 - Introduction to Windows Game Programming Using C++
Game Programming with C++
ZGP12 - 3D Game Programming Using DirectX
3D Game Programming Using DirectX