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Here is where to find e-text documents, and historic books. On this page we have books already marked up as XML or XHTML, together with notes on the methods of mark up. The documents are listed by Author. There is an easier index to use on this page where you can find documents listed by Author, and also documents which have been signed out for mark up.
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
E.F Benson Michael |
XHTML | mikel10.html | This file is valid XHTML. Mark up by M. J. "Web" Webster. m.j.webster@melvilleconsulting.com linked to the gutberghtm.css for presentation |
Robert Burns Complete works |
psorb10.zip psorb10_2.xml* psorb10pref.xml(Preface) psorb10_frag1.xml(1771-83 psorb10_frag2.xml(1784-85) psorb10_frag1786.xml psorb10_frag1787.xml psorb10_frag1788.xml psorb10_frag1789.xml psorb10_frag1790.xml psorb10_frag1791.xml psorb10_frag1792.xml psorb10_frag1793.xml psorb10_frag1794.xml psorb10_frag1795.xml psorb10_frag1796.xml psorb10glos.xml(Glossary) |
*You may have difficulty opening this file over the Internet as it brings in entities! Not all Browsers handle this well, although they do better when it is handled as a local file. These files are available as either a zip file or as the individual fragments which take the poems from each year. The DTD used to validate is gutpoems1.dtd for the main file, and poemsfrag.dtd for the fragments. The style sheet used is rburns.css, which is designed as a 'minimal' style sheet. It does not display the meta data. To see this use the view/source feature of your browser. The e-text used was rsorb10.txt. Marked up by Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org Jan/22/2000 |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Rime of the Ancient Mariner |
XML | rime10.xml | Mark up by Donna Smillie (dms@zetnet.co.uk) This file is marked up and validates against the gutpoems1.dtd. It is linked to the rime.css style sheet. Take note that this is the very first project Gutenberg document marked up by a member of the HTML Writers Guild! |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Richard Henry Dana Two years before the mast |
XML | 2yb4m10.xml | Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/3/2000 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Charles Darwin The Voyage of the Beagle |
XHTML | vbgle10xht.html | Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 1/16/00 This file is available in identical xml and html versions. No version or namespace declaration have been added due to the fact that XHTML is not yet an official rec. The HWG suggested system of div tags was used for semantic definition of the document. The HTML document is linked to gutberghtm.css style sheet. |
Charles Darwin The Origin of the Species |
XML | otoof10.xml | This file marked up by Frank Boumphrey 1/24/2000 Validated against gutbook1.dtd using the MSXML parser. The file is linked to darwin.css style sheet. |
Charles Dickens Oliver Twist |
XML | olivr10.xml | Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/3/2000 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Charles Dickens Great Expectations |
XML | grexp10.xml | This file is marked up by Frank Boumphrey and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Fyodor Dostoyevsky Notes from the underground |
XML | notun10.xml | Markup by Chris Minnick
Email cminnick@minnickweb.com
This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the feodor.css style sheet for presentation. |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Oliver Goldsmith She Stoops to conquer |
XML | sstcq10.xml | Mark up by Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/2/00 This file is marked up and validates against the gutplay1.dtd. It is linked to the gutplay style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Jerome K. Jerome Three men in a boat |
XML | 3boat10.xml | Mark up by Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/2/00 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Rudyard Kipling Departmental Dities and other verses. |
XML | 1vkip10vol1.xml | Mark up by Frank Boumphrey Feb 2000 This file is volume 1 of 1vkip10.txt. Marked up and validated against the bookfrag.dtd. It is linked to the kip10.css style sheet for presentation. Also looks good with anne11.css |
Rudyard Kipling The second Jungle Book |
XML | 2jngb10.xml | Mark up by Donna Smillie (dms@zetnet.co.uk) Feb 2000 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the anne11.css style sheet for presentation. |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Jack London Tales of the Fish Patrol |
XML | totfp10.xml | Mark up by Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/2/00 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Jack London The Call of the Wild |
XML | callw10.xml | Mark up by Donna Smillie (dms@zetnet.co.uk) frank@hwg.org 2/2/00 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the anne11.css style sheet for presentation. |
Jack London The Human Drift |
XML | hmndr10.xml | Mark up by Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/2/00 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Herman Melville Moby Dick |
XML | moby10.xml | Mark up by Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/2/00 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. The e-text is not well marked up, and chapter 72 is missing. I will slowly markup the original text and add ch72 unless there are volunteers!It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Lucy Maud Montgomery |
XML | anne11.xml | Mark up by Donna Smillie (dms@zetnet.co.uk) This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the anne11 style sheet . |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Mark Twain Tom Sawyer |
XML | sawyr10.xml | Mark up by Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/2/00 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Mark Twain Huckleberry Finn |
XML | hfinn10.xml | Mark up by Frank Boumphrey frank@hwg.org 2/2/00 This file is marked up and validates against the gutbook1.dtd. It is linked to the darwin style sheet for a very plain presentation. |
Author and Title | DTD | File Name | Notes |
Lady Windermere's Fan.
Oscar Wilde |
XML | lwfan10.xml | Mark up by Donna Smillie (dms@zetnet.co.uk) This file is marked up and validates against the gutplay1.dtd. It is linked to the gutplay1.css style sheet . |