Introduction to Game Design and DevelopmentIntroduction to Game Design and Development online course
Course Name
Introduction to Game Design and DevelopmentDo you like to play games? Do you secretly want to develop your own games and market them? If you enjoy games and want to get started with game design, then this course provides a solid foundation. This course presents an overview of the games development process including important historical perspective, content creation strategies, production techniques, and a look into the future. The course covers game development history, platforms, goals and genres, player elements, story and character development, gameplay, levels, interface, audio, development team roles, game development process, and marketing and maintenance . Students will play games, analyze them, and complete portions of game designs with appropriate documentation. Course Objectives: at the completion of this course, you will be able to:
Applicable IT Job Roles: Some of the job roles for the game industry include Executive Producer, Producer, Creative Director, Art Director, Lead Game Designer, Junior Game Designer, Content Designer, Technical Art Director, Lead Animator, Character Animator, Character Rigger TD, Game Designer, Level Designer, Cinematics Director, Storyboard Artist, Concept Artist (Characters, Environments, Creatures, Vehicles and Tech), Level Artist, 3D Animator, Visual Effects Animator, 3D Modeler Character and Props, Texture Artist, User Interface Designer, and others. Who Should Attend: This course will benefit industry professionals including graphic designers, animators, web developers, music composers, sound designers, voice actors as well as art and entertainment media professionals such as writers, producers, artists and designers who are interested in becoming involved in the gaming industry. This course will also benefit anyone who has an interest in game development and wants to further their knowledge and experience. Outline
Week 1: Game Development History and Platforms
Week 2: Goals, Genres and Player Elements
Week 3: Story and Character Development
Week 4: Gameplay
Week 5: Levels and Interface
Week 6: Audio
Week 7: Development Team Roles and Game Development Process
Week 8: Marketing and Maintenance and Future of Game Development
This course requires general familiarity with computer concepts, an interest in and experience with games, and a vivid imagination.
Students will need access to a Windows computer that can be used to install companion CD material (game engines, modeling and animation software, game design documentation, game design articles, game demos, mobile apps and videos, and accessibility videos and games) and other game development software. Students will also need access to the internet and web page space to upload files for others to view. Students must submit assignments and other work in a PDF file format.
Course Books
Course Price
Additional Information:
Your place in the course is confirmed by your payment. Introductory courses are intended for students with no experience in the subject matter and are seeking beginner level training.
Refund Policy: Please read our "Terms and Refund Policy" before registering for this course. Additional Cost: Book and software migh be required for the course. Read the Requirements and Book section for more information. Course fee does not include the book and software cost . Start Date: Click on the Register Now button to process to the registration page. You will see the start date of the class on that page. How eClasses Work:Instructors post lectures, reading selections, and hands-on assignments once a week in the online classroom. Students can discuss the assignments with the instructor and amongst themselves in the classroom area. This format has no set meeting time, which allows students to attend class at a time most convenient to them, yet still provides logically organized communication between class participants. Students can apply for the completion certificate after finishing the class. Web Study certificate is also available. Click on the Certificates link on the top navigation bar for more information. |
Before you register for this class, please read carefully the Outline, Prerequisites, Requirements, Books, and Refund Policy sections. 4 Web Study Certificates