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The next few pages look briefly at the middle layer of structure of the teixlite dtd. This is the layer that will usually be used to mark up the actual text itself. This page looks at the front
and the back
elements. The next page looks at the
The front element containts all the front matter of a text element, or of a group element. In many cases this will be the frontmatter of a book or of part of a book.
The element declaration for the front
element appears below. As can be seen it contains a hugh number of elements! However don't get too concerned, we can get by with just a few of these. The elements that are likely to be used for marking up gutenberg texts (and the ones we will be examining) have been emboldened the first time they appear.
<!ELEMENT front ((divGen | titlePage | index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*, (((argument | byline | docAuthor | docDate | docEdition | docImprint | docTitle | epigraph | head | titlePart), (argument | byline | docAuthor | docDate | docEdition | docImprint | docTitle | epigraph | head | titlePart | titlePage | index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*) | (div, (div | divGen | titlePage | index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*) | (div1, (div1 | divGen | titlePage | index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*))?) >
A description of these elements can be found in the table below.
The following are some examples of how the front element can be used. First a relatively simple example from the title page of a book.
<front> <titlePage> <docTitle> <titlePart>RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE</titlePart> </docTitle> <docAuthor> ZANE GREY </docAuthor> </titlePage> </front>
Here is an example of using the front
element with just a head
element. In this example the front element is used in a part of a book. (See the markup of Tess of the d'Urbervilles.)
<front> <head> Phase the Second: Maiden No More </head> </front>
The following example from the same source shows a more complex title page. If required an attribute could be used to further define the titlePart, div,
and list
<front> <titlePage> <docTitle> <titlePart>Tess of the d'Urbervilles</titlePart> </docTitle> <titlePart>A Pure Woman</titlePart> <titlePart>Faithfully Presented By </titlePart> <docAuthor>Thomas Hardy</docAuthor> </titlePage> <div type="toc"> <list> <head>Contents</head> <item>Phase the First: The Maiden, I-XI </item> [...] <item>Phase the Seventh: Fulfillment, LIII-LIX</item> </list> </div> </front>
This markup is also an example of how TEI makes use of generic elements.
The back element containts all the back matter of a text element, or of a group element. In many cases this will be the back matter of a book including appendices, colphones glosaries, bibliographies. etc.
The element declaration for the back
element appears below. Again as can be seen it contains a hugh number of elements!
<!ELEMENT back ((divGen | titlePage | index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*, (((argument | byline | docAuthor | docDate | epigraph | head | opener | salute | signed), (argument | byline | docAuthor | docDate | epigraph | head | opener | salute | signed | titlePage | index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*) | (div, (div | divGen | titlePage | index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*) | (div1, (div1 | divGen | titlePage | index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*))?) >
The following simple example is taken from the TEI markup of Tess of the d'Urbervilles.
<back> <div type="partend"> <p> END OF PHASE THE FIRST </p> </div> </back>
The semantic meaning of the elements used on this page is given in the table below. Many of the other elements have an obvious meaning. You are directed to the official documentation for the semantics of the other elements.
Element | Semantics | Notes |
titlePage | A title page | contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter |
titlePart | A title part | contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page; also used for free-floating fragments of the title page not part of the document title, authorship attribution, etc |
docAuthor | The Author responsible for the intellectual content. | Contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page. |
docTitle | A title page | Contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page. Must be divided into <titlePart> elements. |
p | A paragraph | As with most book DTD's the paragraph element is the workhorse of the DTD. |
head | A header | In TEI this element is used where some kind of heading is required. It is often used for a title of some kind. The head element is used as content of numerous other elements. For better or worse it is often used to delimit the headings of a poem or chapter, the various subsections such as the title or a chapter number. The different types of content can be defined by a type attribute. |
trailer | A block of markup found at the end of a division. | This is the counterpart to the head element. |
epigraph | An epigraph | This element contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start of a section or chapter, or on a title page. |
div | A division or section. | This is the major divisioning or sectioning element of the DTD. It is recursive and ccan contain numerous copies of itself. Different types of division are differentiated by an attribute, usually the 'type' attribute. |
list | A list | TEI lite has only one list. the different kinds of list are distinguished by attributes. |
note | A note | Is usually used for a footnote, either by the original author, or by the editor.An attribute should be used to distinguish the various uses. |
The next page shows how the body
element of TEI is used.