HWG-News Tips
Previous Tips:
The Guild's foundation is members helping members, sharing our expertise
and knowledge to improve our skills in the craft of web design. Everyone
has something to teach, and something to learn!
HWG-News features member-submitted "tips" in each issue, in the space
between articles and announcements.
Submitted tips MUST meet the following criteria:
- They should be no more than 8 lines (500 characters, about 80
words) in length.
- Tips must be quick, direct, and to-the-point. They should be
able to stand alone without further explanation. (URLs to more
information are acceptable.)
- They must address the broad topic announced in the previous
- Commercial advertisements or endorsements ("Use product ABC!
It's the best!") will most likely be rejected. In general,
tips should follow standard W3C specifications on HTML, CSS,
and accessibility whenever appropriate.
- Tips must be received by the posted deadline, a week from
the release of each newsletter.
- The HWG-News editorial staff are the final judges of which
tips are selected for publication.
What happens if your tip is selected? Each issue, the first-place
winner will receive a free HWG t-shirt; runner-up tips will be also
listed in the HWG-News newsletter as space permits!
You can also send your suggestions for tip categories to
Here's an example:
HWG-NEWS TIP: An easy way to get more hits to your site is to use
meta tags to add keywords to your page. The syntax is:
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">
--Submitted by Marshall Jansen <marshall@hwg.org>