HTML Writers Guild, Inc. -- Organizational Meeting Transcript

June 18, 1996 -- 10:00 pm EDT

Patrick: The organizational meeting of the HTML Writers Guild, Inc. is hereby called to order.
Patrick: Please indicate your presence here by stating your name for the record.
gerald: Gerald Oskoboiny.
Patrick: Patrick Wiseman
Al: Albert L. Smith, Jr.
Bill: Bill Spurlock
John: John Lock
Rox: C. Roxanne Reid-Bennett
Suzan: Suzan Richardson
Jon: Jonathon M. Robison
hmr: Heath M Rezabek
Cindy: Cindy Svec Ruzichh
Patrick: The first item of business is to elect the Board of Directors, which falls to me as Incorporator. The following nine people are hereby elected as Directors of the HTML Writers Guild, Inc.
  • John Lock
  • Gerald Oskoboiny < li>Roxanne Reid-Bennett
  • Heath Rezabek
  • Cindy Svec Ruzich
  • Al Smith, Jr.
  • Bill Spurlock
  • Darren Stalder
  • Patrick Wiseman

Patrick: Is there a motion to appoint the following officers?
  • Bill Spurlock, President
  • Cindy Svec Ruzich, Vice-President
  • Al Smith, Jr., Secretary
  • Roxanne Reid-Bennett, Treasurer

Bill: So moved.
Cindy: Second
Patrick: All in favor, please say "Aye"
Al: Aye.
Bill: Aye
Rox: Aye
gerald: Aye.
John: Aye
Cindy: Aye
hmr: Aye
Patrick: Motion passes. Is there a motion to adopt the bylaws (
Bill: So moved.
Patrick: Second?
Cindy: Second
Patrick: All in favor, please say "Aye".
Bill: Aye
Al: Aye.
Cindy: Aye
John: Aye
Rox: Aye
gerald: Aye.
hmr: Aye.
Patrick: Motion passes. Is there any other business?
Patrick: The organizational meeting of the HTML Writers Guild, Inc. is hereby adjourned.

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