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![]() February 1997 HWG NEWSLETTERThis is the htmlized version of the February 1997 Newsletter. FEBRUARY 1997 HWG NEWSLETTER You are reading the HTML Writers Guild February 1997 Newsletter because your email address is in our membership database. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please read how to remove yourself from the list at the end of this message. Topics HWG has members in 101 countries! 1. Announcing: HWG Paid Membership Classes 2. Vendor Discount Program 3. HWG Town Meeting on IRC: 2/18/97 4. New GB member 5. GB News - View topics of GB discussion, Membership Count 6. Mailing List Program: Promotions and Congratulations! 7. HWG has a new Web master 8. Utilities Collectors Group 9. HWG to attend WWW6 Administrative Issues - Why did I get this mail? - How do I unsubscribe? - Comments? Membership Count Drum roll please! The Guild has 41,649 members in 101 nations worldwide as of February 9, 1997! We have passed the 100 country mark! 1. Announcing: HWG Paid Membership Classes On Sun Feb 2 1997, the HWG Governing Board concluded voting on a motion regarding the creation of additional membership classes. The motion read as follows: "Moved: That The HTML Writers Guild establish a series of membership classes as outlined in the document located at: http://www.hwg.org/member/indiv.html http://www.hwg.org/member/corp.html "Further move that the implementation dates for the new classes be as follows: "Institutional/Corporate Memberships to start 01 March, 1997 Individual Memberships to start 08 April, 1997 " The motion passed with a final vote count of 8 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining, 1 not voting. Voting were: Bill Spurlock shadow@mindspring.com Gerald Oskoboiny gerald@hwg.org Heath Rezabek hrezabek@fiat.gslis.utexas.edu John Miller jmiller@virtualholland.com Kathy Gill kegill@halcyon.com Kynn Bartlett kynn@idyllmtn.com Patrick Wiseman pwiseman@mindspring.com Roxanne Reid-Bennett rox@hwg.org The above referenced URL gives an overview of the plan, and gives a breakdown of the costs of the membership classes and the benefits associated with each class. The question we expect all members to ask is: Will there still be a free HWG membership? The reply there is a resounding YES! The current free HWG membership open to everyone is now called "Basic" membership. Included in this membership class are all the benefits members currently receive, with the exception of the Mentor program. The Mentor program currently under revision will be moved to the paid membership classes to allow its expansion into a professional program. At the same time, a new program, the Vendor Discount Program (VDP) is under development to offer all HWG members a wide assortment of discounts on goods and services. The Governing Board and HWG's volunteer staff have worked hard to create what we believe is a fairly priced program to benefit all HWG members at whatever membership class they join. Anyone may join any class of membership, regardless of their skill level. In anticipation of your questions, we have created an auto-responding email address that will send you additional information about the new membership classes. To use this HWG service, send email to: membership-info@hwg.org You will automatically receive an HWG Member Classes FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) by email that will provide additional information about the new program. ****PLEASE NOTE**** If you wish to comment on the new membership classes - you may do so, but ONLY on hwg-ops, the Guild's Operations mailing list. This subject is off-topic for all other Guild mailing lists and the List Guides will enforce the Netiquette Guide to keep our lists on topic and of the quality our members expect. To subscribe to hwg-ops, please go to: http://www.hwg.org/lists/hwg-ops/ 2. Vendor Discount Program The HWG has voted to implement a Vendor Discount Program, which will allow members to take advantage of discounts given by various vendors in the Internet market. There will be a mailing list set up soon, where vendors can post press releases for new products and where the VDP Team will be posting information on various vendors taking part in the program. Details on this new (read-only) list will be announced on hwg-ops. To find out how to join hwg-ops, visit http://www.hwg.org/lists/hwg-ops/ We are currently searching for team members who wish to help administer the discount program. Anyone interested should email Kelly Jensen, the Volunteer Coordinator, at kellyj@snowcrest.net. Please tell her you're interested in the VDP team. If you represent a software company that might have an interest in participating in the Vendor Discount Program, please email John J. Miller, the Governing Board contact for the program, at jmiller@hwg.org. John will be happy to provide details and work out arrangements with you. 3. HWG Town Meeting on IRC: 2/18/97 There will be an IRC Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 1997 at 9:00 PM EST where HWG President Bill Spurlock will be available to take questions on the new membership classes. For more information about how to attend an HWG Town Meeting, please visit the Guild's web site: http://www.hwg.org/irc/ 4. New GB Member The Governing Board would like the membership to join them in welcoming John J. Miller jmiller@virtualholland.com as the newest member of the GB. John replaces Duif Calvin duif@jaderiver.com who recently stepped down from the board. John is responsible for the Vendor Discount Program as mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter. 5.View GB topics of discussion To provide the membership with more information about the issues under discussion by the Governing Board, the GB has set up a web page with pending motions for the membership to view. As of the date of this newsletter, the only pending motion is "Relaunch the Mentor/Apprentice Program". Past motions include the Complaint Process Policy and the creation of a sub-contracting bid service area. You may visit the pending motions page at: http://www.hwg.org/opcenter/motions/ If you would like to comment on pending motions (NOT "expired" motions please), all such discussion belongs on hwg-ops, the Guild's Operations Mailing List 6. Mailing List Program: Promotions and Congratulations! We are pleased to announce that we have several promotions in the HWG mailing list program! Kynn Bartlett kynn@idyllmtn.com has stepped down from his position as Mailing List Manager and is now serving as the Governing Board Contact for the Mailing List Program. Kynn has been serving as MLM and GBC for several months, a nearly impossible task. Kynn has picked up additional duties for the Guild including guiding the development of a new mentor program. Brian Catlin lurch@radix.net has been promoted to serve as our new Mailing List Manager (MLM). Brian is our former List Guide Manager and has worked hard with the mailing list team to create a successful program stressing fairness and professionalism. Mike Ricker mnmike@future.net has been promoted to List Guide Manager (LGM). Mike has been a valuable member of the Mailing List team serving as a guide and as the assistant LG Manager in the past. The GB is confident that Kynn, Brian, and Mike will continue to serve the Guild well in their new positions. Congratulations! 7. HWG has a new Webmaster Michael Dickey md@tsdc.com has been named as the Guild's new webmaster. Michael, a long time Guild member, is also the owner of the hwg-business and the hwg-ops mailing lists. We are all looking forward to working with Michael as the Guild enters its new era. The Guild's Web master position has been filled by a number of people over the last few years and we would like to publicly thank them for their efforts on behalf of the Guild: Bill Spurlock, Cindy Svec, Gerald Oskoboiny, Darren Stalder, and Julie Meloni have all formally held the title at one time. Many others have served on the web site team over the past few years providing both content and maintenance - your efforts have been greatly appreciated. 8. Utilities Collectors Group The Utilities Management Team creates, organizes, and maintains all the utilities pages containing links to tools, templates, and tutorials useful for web development. We really need the membership to assist with the collection of suitable utilities. You may join the Utilities Team or just send your recommendations for specific tools to the Team. To learn more about what resources this HWG team is looking for, visit: http://www.hwg.org/utils/ Help us help the Guild membership and tell us your best tricks and tools for web site design and development! 9. HWG to attend WWW6 The HTML Writers Guild has been invited to be a part of The 6th International WWW Conference to be held April 7-12, 1997 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California. The theme of this year's conference is "Everyone, Everything, Connected". With that theme in mind, we will be hosting a series of presentations and meetings on Monday, April 7th on topics relating to Accessibility of the World Wide Web, Promoting Quality in Web site Design, as well as general information on the HTML Writers Guild including a roundtable discussion on the future of the Guild. This program will be free; however, it is limited to registered conference attendees. Current plans call for a HWG meeting on the evening of Tuesday, April 8th at the Santa Clara Convention Center that will be free and open to all HWG members living in the San Francisco/San Jose area and any members attending the conference, as well as those wishing to learn more about HWG. If at all possible, please make plans to attend. We look forward to meeting you there! ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES - Why did I get this mail You received this newsletter because you are a member of the HTML Writers Guild. This message came from hwg-news, the Guild's mandatory mailing list for all members. If you need more information about hwg-news, please see the List Charter at: http://www.hwg.org/lists/hwg-news/index.html - How do I unsubscribe? Information on how to unsubscribe from this newsletter is found at the above URL. Please remember that if you choose to unsubscribe from the hwg-news mailing list (this newsletter) you will be resigning your membership in the Guild. - Comments? Comments on this newsletter should be sent to: <cindy@hwg.org>. The HWG-News Mailing List is a "Read-Only" list - please do not try to reply to this list - it will bounce. Copyright 1997 HTML Writers Guild URL: http://hwg.org/opcenter/newsletters/0297.html
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