NewTech Resources
The 'bleeding edge' technologies: Java, Shockwave, VRML, RealAudio, and
whatever comes along next week.
NewTech Resources
- ActiveX is a set of technologies from Microsoft that enables interactive content
for the World Wide Web. With ActiveX, Web sites come alive using multimedia
effects, interactive objects, and sophisticated applications that create a user
experience comparable to that of high-quality CD-ROM titles.
- Java is a portable, interpreted, high-performance, object-oriented programming
language. It has seen and probably will see an ever increasing popularity because
of these features.
- JavaScript is Netscape's cross-platform, object-based scripting language for
client and server applications. There are two kinds of JavaScript: Navigator
JavaScript, or client-side JavaScript
- WebAudio is an area which encompasses all forms or audio transmission over the
Internet. This would include RealAudio, WAV, MIDI, and any other form of
transmitting audio signals through the Web.
- Shockwave is a method of delivering interactivity in the form of games, menus,
movies and other items much like is found on a multimedia CD. The content is then
made available to the Web with no server-side programming (aside from mime-
types) and is viewed through a browser plugin. Content can contain audio,
animation, and react to user input.
Streaming Video
- Now, even over dial-up connections, Web surfers can watch uninterrupted
streaming audio/video content that starts to play without downloading. Though
there are problems with video quality and reliability, streaming technology is the
only practical solution to delivering video clips on a web page.
- New category, links will be listed here soon.
CBA Core Bitmap Animation format
- Description: CBA, Core Bitmap Animation, is a license/royalty-free raster animated graphics format.
- Last checked: 9/26/2000 22:52:12